So, I use traefik 2.11.3 on FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p11 (which is actually OPNsense 24.1.9_3-amd64).
This is part of configuration responsible for entrypoints: traefik.toml -
So, external-http and external-https bounds to 9080 and 9443 that than exposed as 443 and 80 ports via NAT port forwarding.
Issue is that after some time, traefik just stop listeting for this ports without logs information about it, and only related information I can found is this:
time="<some time>" level=error msg="Error while starting server: set tcp><random_ip>:39970: setsockopt: connection reset by peer" entryPointName=external-https
I have no idea how to debug this issue, maybe someone can suggest me any ideas?