Expose ping to external load balancer


in traefik v1, it was enough to just enable

  entryPoint = "https"

It seems something else is required on v2 to expose the ping endpoint?
I've tried

ping: {}

as well as

  entryPoint: "https"

I have the api@internal running. The healthcheck seem to be working in the container when using entryPoint traefik:

/ # traefik healthcheck
INFO[0000] Configuration loaded from file: /etc/traefik/traefik.yml 
OK: http://:38000/ping



But anything on a "real" entryPoint is just 404:

$ curl -k
404 page not found

What am I missing here?



The ping works as the v1:

ping: {}

-> Expose the ping on the port 8080 (like the v1)

  entryPoint: test

-> Expose the ping on the port related to the entry point test (like the v1)


Thanks, well, not for me at least.
Will try on a default config then

I took the default toml config from git, and only made these to changes (changed ports and set entryPoint for ping):

    address = ":3380"
    address = ":33443"

  insecure = true
  entryPoint = "websecure"

But still gives 404:

$ curl -k https://localhost:33443
404 page not found

The /ping health-check URL is enabled with the command-line --ping or config file option [ping] .

With your configuration:

    address = ":3380"
    address = ":33443"

  insecure = true
  entryPoint = "websecure"
$ curl http://localhost:33443/ping

The ping does not work in HTTPS even when then endpoint has TLS.

The documentation does not specify this limitation but it's a known issue according to the source code:

@JPerman this code is the code of the healthcheck command, it's not related to ping or healthcheck behavior.


To handle TLS on the ping, you have to use the manualrouting and create a router with TLS.

Hi I have a same problem but i try to update ping config to manualrouting and add router with TLS, but seems still not working

    address = ":443"
      trustedIPs = [""]

    address = ":8081"

      minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
      maxVersion = "VersionTLS13"
    certFile = "/secret/server.chained.crt"
    keyFile = "/secret/server.key"

  manualRouting = true

    service = "traefik"

    rule = "HostRegexp(`{any:.*}`) && PathPrefix(`/ping`)"
    service = "traefik"

ping on TLS will work.
You have to do these 3 steps:
1.in the traefik deployment, enable ping and add entryPoint=traefik
2. add a service that points to port 9000 and targetport: "traefik" and the selector has to be the traefik deployment.
3. create an ingress that has the websecure entrypoint router and tls to true. Add path /ping and backend name to that service and add "traefik" to the servicePort"

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