Router with dash in the Host name

I have two router entries for host that have names that differ only by a number after a dash like host-1 and host-2. The first router entry works great but the second one doesn't work at all. Do dashes in host names need to be escaped?

Example partial yaml file (with domain name replaced):

- "https"
rule: "Host("
- default-headers
- https-redirectscheme
tls: {}
service: hostone-service

    - "https"
  rule: "Host(``)"
    - default-headers
    - https-redirectscheme
  tls: {}
  service: hosttwo-service

Works for me, we use dashes in Host().

What means "does not work"? Is it shown in Traefik Dashboard?

Share your full Traefik static and dynamic config, and docker-compose.yml if used.

After changing the hostnames to remove the dashes everything worked (and by worked I mean being able to access the sites via a browser). Strangely after adding the dashes back in everything still works. I'm not sure what went wrong before since I'd checked the DNS entries and everything in the Traefik dashboard looked OK.

In any case it's working now.

Thanks for your reply, it gave me a sanity check that I wasn't fighting some need to escape special characters.