With Traefik v2.2 now supports Ingress, is it now possible that Traefik supports External-DNS? Is there a way to support External-DNS with IngressRoute instead?
I figured it out!!! I'm so excited because I finally have kubernetes, metallb, cert-manager, traefik v2.2, and external-dns working together in an automated fashion! I can create my k8s service, ingress, and external name service. The external service has external-dns create the DNS entry. The ingress with annotations will automatically have cert-manager create LetsEncrypt certificate. Traefik is working through metallb. It just all finally works smoothly! I don't use traefik's IngressRoute because traefik v2.2 finally supports ingress again. I plan to write up the complete start-to-finish on how I did this, but I want to take a short break from the constant 4-5 weeks it took to finally solve this.
I would be very interested in seeing how you tied all this together.
Can you share that with me? I'm having troubles to follow You know have it all working together, including Traefik 2.2 as an Ingress Controller with external-dns, right?
I am currently putting together my guide at:
Please be aware that this is an on-going process.