Consul Catalog routing via static configuration

I have numerous entrypoints (tcp, udp and https(s)) and services from consul catalog routed via tags, all working fine.

Now I have a service in Consul that is provided by a vendored software, where I have no control over the tag values. In this case, it is a database service where each instance has either the tag active or replica. I'd like to have a TCP router for a specific entrypoint to this service.

Without any traefik-specific tags on the service, Traefik automatically creates HTTP services and routers. Can I override thisspecific service via static configuration (or COnsul KV) in any way? The "labels" mentioned in seem to be ignored when specified in the configuration file and only picked up via tags on the Consul services.

Is there any way I can do what I want, or do I need to spin up a secondary traefik instance only for this use-case?

Can you describe what you mean by "override this specific service via static configuration"? Override in which way? Can you give an example?

Update: sorry, I did not notice " I'd like to have a TCP router for a specific entrypoint to this service." It makes sense.

I personally never used consul catalog, but I wonder can you do what you want by providing configuration via File Provider instead for that?

So let's say for example I have a consul service foo with two instances, one with tag bar and one with tag baz.

I have a configured endpoint in traefik:

address = "

I'd like to route the foo endpoint to the foo service, iff the service instance has the bar tag set.

I understand I can use constraints (which are global so a bit cumbersome, but should be possible) to limit which instance gets routed.

However, I see no way of avoiding Traefik routing this as a HTTP service rather than TCP without using service tags.

That's pretty much what I'm trying to achieve actually, but after quite a bit of trial and error I still can't get Traefik to recognize my Consul service through the file provider - it's still gets designated as HTTP

Are you saying you create a [tcp.routers] but you believe that http router is being created instead?

Yes, even though I'm referencing the consul service by name. Verified this through the web dashboard.

I just ended up solving this for myself by forking the software producing the service and hardcoding the traefik tags there - but I'm sure this is not an all-to-uncommon use-case for others.

Yes, even though I'm referencing the consul service by name. Verified this through the web dashboard.

Are you specifying provider name?