Way to do proxy protocol - listen on 443 with host and proxy to http port of container with ECS

my config

defaultEntryPoints = ["https", "http"]
  address = ":80"
  address = ":443"
  address = ":8080"

entryPoint = "dashboard"
address = ":8080"
dashboard = true

clusters = ["my-api"]
watch = true
domain = "domain.xyz"
autoDiscoverClusters = false
refreshSeconds = 15
exposedByDefault = true
region = "ap-south-1"
accessKeyID = "abcd"
secretAccessKey = "acbd+acbd+323+/+cdecb"

email = "you@email.com"
storage = "acme.json"
entryPoint = "https"
onHostRule = true

entryPoint = "http"


and Route Rule
Host:my-api.domain.xyz works with http which listens on host port 80 and serves from container port 3333

but visiting https://my-api.domain.xyz fails to proxy to 3333. I guess I should be doing a proxy protocol here. I do have acme certificates issued in acme.json.

any pointers on what I'm missing? :pray: