I'm trying to do a test deployment of Traefik on a K3s install (traefik was disabled on initial cluster init so i can build from scratch).
I'm having two main issues right now -
If i deploy to a custom namespace (in this case, called 'traefik'), i get the following error -
INSTALLATION FAILED: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists.
Unable to continue with install: ClusterRole "traefik" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: key "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace" must equal "traefik": current value is "default"
But if i deploy without "--namespace", it works fine.
Equally, if i change the namespace context to the correct namespace, and then deploy without --namespace again, it still generates the same error.
If i update the persistant storage section of the values.yaml to as below, in an effort for the persistant storage to use an NFS storage class, it just flat out ignores the config.
Before installing Traefik in a new namespace, can you please ensure if the cluster role "traefik" already exists? If so, you can try to delete it and try once again.
can you please share the entire values configuration file as well as the Helm command you try to deploy Traefik?
RE: Persistant storage
I know my nfs-pvc works, as it does with other containers, however the values file doesn't appear to have options that Traefik recognizes to tell it which PVC to use. I'm wondering if its easier to drop using Helm and just do it all with Kubectl instead...