[Vacuum robot] spamming Traefik

I am not good at explaining things but ill try.
this is my "roomba" [Narwal Freo, link removed]

for some reason it is spamming the heck out of traefik.there is like over 1000's of these. is there anything i can do to make it stop, like block it internaly or anything? Dose the manufacture have to update their stuff?

2025-02-04T08:13:31-06:00 DBG github.com/traefik/traefik/v3/pkg/tls/tlsmanager.go:228 > Serving default certificate for request: "us-sweeper.narwaltech.com"
2025-02-04T08:13:31-06:00 DBG log/log.go:245 > http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: unknown certificate authority

Your cleaning robot is connecting to a local Traefik instance with local IP with the wrong hostname, resulting in TLS error?

It's not connected to it at all. Even if can turn off the reverse proxy and it won't still connect to the app. The base connects fine but the narwal won't connect to the app.

It seems you are very deep into the details, but for an outsider it's hard to understand. What devices and IPs are used, what should happen, and what is happning that you think is incorrect. And what does a vacuum robot have to do with Traefik?

My bad that last message was for tech support

I was just curious if anybody else had an issue with that or if anybody has a solution