ERR Cannot create service error="service port not found" ingress=app-ingress namespace=default providerName=kubernetes serviceName=app-frontend servicePort=&ServiceBackendPort{Name:app-fro-port,Number:0,}
ERR Cannot create service error="service port not found" ingress=app-ssl-ingress namespace=default providerName=kubernetes serviceName=app-frontend-service servicePort=&ServiceBackendPort{Name:app-fro-port,Number:0,}
I am trying to undestrand what I am missing to do with Traefik.
I got a test app that is reachable on port 3000.
I would like to have people reaching the app via https, so port 443 passing trough Traefik and using a ssl certificate issued with cert manager.
What are the steps that I should implement?
Am I understanding the log correctly if I read that it says that traefik can not find the port app-fro-port or is it something else?
Is this a good guide to achieve that Configure HTTPS in Traefik with cert-manager and Let’s Encrypt | by Faturrahman | Medium
As qurro_007 said: Something miss in your deployment and service Your Deployment uses the following label: io.kompose.service: app-frontend But your Service selector is: app: app-frontend This mismatch prevents the service from finding the pods created by the deployment. Fix the Service selector to match the Deployment label: Update 010-app-service.yml: spec: selector: io.kompose.service: app-frontend. it seems now the service can find the pods.