Hello, I am using traefik 3.2.1 and cert manager v1.16.2 and following this article.
The strange behaviour I am facing is the following one:
I can get to http://application.domain.example
but not to https://application.domain.example
Traefik is showing the service
The certificate is present in certificate manager.
The article i was following does not mention any command to issue to traefik but I suspect I have to tell somewhere, in some yaml file, that traefik that must act as https for application.domain.example .
Could you please point me out to doc or something else that can help.
If I inspect Traefic pod logs I can see:
WRN No domain found in rule PathPrefix(/
), the TLS options applied for this router will depend on the SNI of each request entryPointName=websecure routerName=websecure-default-app-ingress@kubernetes
Maybe that is the issue?
if I give kubectl logs "traefik-pod" i see a lot of errors like this one:
ERR Error while updating ingress status error="missing service: default/traefik" ingress=app-ingress namespace=default providerName=kubernetes
ERR Error while updating ingress status error="missing service: default/traefik" ingress=app-ssl-ingress namespace=default providerName=kubernetes
so maybe I have to make a traefik service in the default namespace? how would it be defined?
I did
helm upgrade traefik traefik/traefik
and the issue seem resolved now. I have other issues thoug. will update the post with solutions
WRN No domain found in rule PathPrefix(`/`), the TLS options applied for this router will depend on the SNI of each request entryPointName=websecure routerName=websecure-default-app-ingress@kubernetes
This is just a warning. It shows up when a router
rule does not include Host()
or HostSNI()
If you just use PathPrefix()
, then Traefik doesn’t know which domain is associated with it. You need to make sure that the domain is named somewhere, when you want valid LetsEncrypt TLS certs for it.
But if you have the domain somewhere, like with main
, then it’s fine and will just work.
hello @bluepuma77 thank you for your time and great content. I have attempted to explain my deployment and logic here: Have I understood correctly how to protect a program in kubernetes with traefik? maybe you could assist me undertstand what am I doing wrong.