Traefik UI ingressRoute


Is it possible to group the traefik ingress route by namespaces. I have a kubernetes cluster which three namespaces de,qa,staging and have ingressRoutes in each namespace.

I'd like to see the ingressRoutes grouped by namespaces

Hi @ekjuanrejon , this is not easily possible, as it would be against Kubernetes security model. Please check this reference for explanation from some Kubernetes maintainers: (it speaks about "ingress" / "service", but "IngressRoute" follows the same concepts).

Technically, you could define in your "namespace for ingresses" a set of Kubernetes services of type "externalName", which would reference the services from your namespaces by following the DNS convention. Such cross-namespace traffic is working if you allows it at Kubernetes level, depending on your security rules (or if you have no security at all :slight_smile: )

It would look like this:

  • Namespace staging which contains your application deployment with a Kubernetes Service of type ClusterIP named webapp, which selectors points to the deployment.
  • Namespaces qa and de with exactly the same setup (same deployment and service name).
  • Namespace ingress which contains the "IngressRoute" objects, AND the "externalName" Kubernetes Services. The 3 "externalName" services should point respectively to webapp.staging.svc.cluster.local (adapt the naming to your cluster of course), and
                                                         +------------------------------------+         +----------------------------------+
                                                         | ingress (namespace)                |         | traefik (namespace)              |
                                                         |                                    |         |                                  |
+-----------------------------------------+              |  +----------------------------+    |         |                                  |
| staging (namespace)                     |              |  |                            |    |         |   +-----------------------+      |
|                                         |              |  |  IngressRoute              |    |         |   |                       |      |
|   +---------------+      +-----------+  |              |  |  "staging"                 |    |         |   |  Deployment           |      |
|   |               |      | Service   |  |              |  |             +---------------<-----------------+  "traefik"            |      |
|   |  Deployment   <------+ "webapp"  |  |              |  |             |              |    |         |   |                       |      |
|   |  "webapp"     |      |           |  |              |  |             |              |    |         |   |                       |      |
|   +---------------+      +-----+-----+  |              |  |             |              |    |         |   |                       |      |
|                                ^        |              |  +----------------------------+    |         |   |                       |      |
|                                |        |              |                |                   |         |   +----------^------------+      |
+-----------------------------------------+              |  +-------------v--------------+    |         |              |                   |
                                 |                       |  |                            |    |         |              |                   |
                                 |                       |  | Service "externalName"     |    |         |              |                   |
                                 |                       |  | "staging"                  |    |         |              |                   |
                                 |                       |  |                            |    |         |    +---------+------------+      |
                                 |                       |  |                            |    |         |    |                      |      |
                                 +--------------------------+                            |    |         |    |  Service "traefik"   |      |
                                                         |  |                            |    |         |    |  (LoadBalancer       |      |
                              webapp.staging.svc.cluser.local                            |    |         |    |  or NodePort)        |      |
                                                         |  +----------------------------+    |         |    |                      |      |
                                                         |                                    |         |    +---------+------------+      |
                                                         |                                    |         |              ^                   |
                                                         |                                    |         |              |                   |
                                                         |                                    |         +----------------------------------+
                                                         |                                    |                        |
                                                         |                                    |                        |
                                                         |                                    |                        |
                                                         |                                    |                        |
                                                         |                                    |                +-------+-----------+
                                                         |                                    |                |                   |
                                                         |                                    |                |   External User   |
                                                         |                                    |                |                   |
                                                         |                                    |                |                   |
                                                         |                                    |                +-------------------+