I'm trying to get Traefik with Consul Connect to work but no rule is working.
My goal is that Traefik is deployed by nomad as a system service on every node, listening on TCP 80 / 443 / 8090. For the moment the traefik dashboard should be on 8090.
I do must admit that I don't know how to configure traefik with consul connect and that I feel a bit lost. This is a test environment and in theory this sounds like a great solution.
job "traefik2-b2" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "system"
group "traefik" {
mode = "host"
port "http" {
static = 80
port "https" {
static = 443
port "api" {
static = 8090
service {
name = "traefik-web"
port = "http"
#check {
# name = "Alive"
# type = "tcp"
# port = "http"
# interval = "10s"
# timeout = "2s"
#connect {
# native = true
service {
name = "traefik-websecure"
port = "https"
#check {
# name = "Alive"
# type = "tcp"
# port = "https"
# interval = "10s"
# timeout = "2s"
#connect {
# native = true
service {
name = "traefik-api"
port = "api"
#check {
# name = "Alive"
# type = "tcp"
# port = "api"
# interval = "10s"
# timeout = "2s"
tags = [
"traefik.http.routers.api.rule=(PathPrefix(`/api`) || PathPrefix(`/dashboard`))",
connect {
native = true
task "traefik" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "traefik:v2.6.6"
#network_mode = "host"
volumes = [
args = [
"--metrics.prometheus.buckets=0.100000, 0.300000, 1.200000, 5.000000",
template {
change_mode = "signal"
change_signal = "SIGHUP"
data = <<EOF
# Dynamic config preparation
removeHeader = false
realm = "Services"
headerField = "X-WebAuth-User"
users = [
destination = "local/dynamic.toml"
resources {
cpu = 300
memory = 128