Traefik ACME client setting CN/OU/O in Subject

I have traefik setup as an ACME client connected to an on-line private CA using a product called Smallstep. So similar to Let's Encrypt but private and on-prem using a selfsigned root CA.

This all works well, but the Subject of the issued certificates is only populated with the CN field. Actually I see this is also the case for certificates issues by Let's Encrypt.

I would like to be able to set some of the other fields in the subject, say OU and O to reflect teams that are using the certificates to try and add some meta data.

I've not seen any parameters in traefik that might enable me to do this. Perhaps I'm not looking closely enough or in the right areas.

Can anyone help or suggest some ideas here? Many thanks.

Start at the beginning of the chain:

  1. Does LetsEncrypt allow that in general?
  2. Does Traefik LetsEncrypt lib allow that?