I've deployed an xmpp server called "prosody" in Docker and want to make it reachable to the outside through Traefik (2.1.4).
Prosody uses TCP ports 5222 and 5269.
I've configured Traefik to bind to those ports as entryPoint:
address = ":5222"
address = ":5269"
And configured the rest through labels in the container:
-l traefik.tcp.routers.prosody-c2s.rule='Host(`somedomain`)' \
-l traefik.tcp.routers.prosody-c2s.entrypoints=xmpp \
-l traefik.tcp.routers.prosody-c2s.tls=true \
-l traefik.tcp.routers.prosody-c2s.tls.certresolver=default \
-l traefik.tcp.routers.prosody-c2s.service=prosody-c2s \
-l traefik.tcp.services.prosody-c2s.loadbalancer.server.port=5222 \
I can see everything being configured as expected in the Dashboard. However, when looking at the Services part, there's a Warning triangle next to the IP+Port of the container and connectivity doesn't seem to work.
Anything I could do to troubleshoot further or missed something?