So it listens on 6443, it's a L4 Proxy and tls is passthrough. Seems like the exact same thing to me.
I checked in the log for any error message (with DEBUG), but there are none. I also checked in the dashboard if the route and service is setup and everything seems fine.
Try port instead of address in the service and just specify the port (8443).
I know the doc says address Services - Traefik but the reference says port Docker - Traefik .
Also don't forget to expose the control plane ports on your docker compose.
# The HTTP port
- "80:80"
# The HTTPS port
- "443:443"
# K8S apiserver
- "6443:6443"
# The Web UI (enabled by --api.insecure=true)
- "8080:8080"
If you want a plain TCP router with HostSNI(`*`) without Traefik TLS handling, then don’t use tls in Traefik. The plain TCP traffic will be proxied (passed through) anyway.
Remove this line, as it has side effects. It will activate Traefik TLS. If no cert exists, Traefik will create and use a custom one, which the client will not trust.