Hi folks
traefik is doing its thing very well in our "office environment" and as long as I can use a hostname.
But with our new use case I will access an influxDB on our server running traefik. The critical point is now, that I came from a restricted vLAN where only IP's are forwarded to the external.
Now I only can request the influxDB with IPofServer:8086. Now I hav no idea how handle this in my docker-compose-file. Currently I have this rule for hostname:
- "traefik.http.routers.influx-gwa-ssl.entryPoints=influxDB"
- "traefik.http.routers.influx-gwa-ssl.rule=host(`hostname.xyz.net`,`grafana.xyz.com`,`grafana.xyz.de`)"
Would appreciate any help to handle the request with IP?