[Question] How can I tell when an ingress object start to work

Hey traefik team,
recently, How we can tell the ingress route start to work when creating new resource in kubernetes ingress, we know traefik will update the configuration periodically, but can we get this information in nigress resource itself?

Hello @TommyLike,

Thanks for your interest in Traefik!

can we get this information in nigress resource itself?

Traefik is updating the LoadBalancerStatus of the ingresses it discovers.

How we can tell the ingress route start to work when creating new resource in kubernetes ingress

Traefik Kubernetes provider is listening to events from the Kubernetes API and is aware of any resource change (creation, update, and deletion) that matters.
The routing configuration built from an IngressRoute is "usable" as soon as it is applied.
You can check the current configuration through the dashboard or the /api/rawdata endpoint of the API.