One K8s Ingressrule with multiple TLS certificates

In Traefik 1 we used to have ingresses for all our paths to route the traffic to the right services (backends). There would be an ingress for /web and one for /api. Additionally we had ingresses for the domains that hat the tls options in it (one for domain1. com and one for domain2. com).

When a user came and called domain1. com/web, traefik would take the tls part from the one ingress and the service part from the other one, delivering a site from the web-pod with a certificate for domain1.

Now we are evaluating Traefik 2.1 running in Kubernetes 1.15.5.
We tried the same approach we had in v1, but had no luck since v2 seems to only use one ingressroute at a time.
Then we tried the other way round and added the domain1 cert to all the ingressroutes (/web and /api in this example).

    - main: domain1. com
    secretName: domain1-le-secret

That did work perfectly with only domain1. Now I have no clue how to add the other domains to the ingressroutes. I tried an array:

    - main: 
      - domain1. com
      - domain2. com
                    - domain1-le-secret
                    - domain2-le-secret

That did not work and Traefik dashboard only showed me tls for domain1.
I tried to double the tls part:

    - main: domain1. com
    secretName: domain1-le-secret

    - main: domain2. com
    secretName: domain2-le-secret

But while saving, one of the parts gets deleted.

How can I manage to have multiple certificates for one ingressrule?

I would not like to have a distinct ingressroute for each combination of domain/path, since we have over 30 path ingressroutes, and will have more than 50 domains in futureā€¦