New traefik docker install not pulling letsencrypt cert

Hello, I'm setting up my traefic proxy according to the tutorial at

I can get it to pull the cert from the staging server, but when I switch to the letsencrypt server traefik can't pull a certificate and acme.json stays empty.

I'm not too keen to post my log because it has my ip and domain all over it, but I'll post my docker-compose in case that helps: version: "3.7" -

I have a suspicion that its because I'm changing my dashboard port in the docker-compose port assignment to 8081. it's because I have a unifi controller that needs port 8080 running on my server. I have found that reassignment can be done according to API / Dashboard - Traefik
However I'm not sure how to do that through the docker-compose. And maybe this isnt the issue after all because I can at this point access my dashboard at

Hope someone can take a look and help, Thanks All!

edit: clarity