Native load balance service

good afternoon, I saw the documentation, but I didn't understand it very well "true" by setting this in the service, does traefik correctly balance the load between the pods?

I am not sure, if you already figured it out or not. But as per documentation, if we have set nativeLB to true, service referenced to route will create an endpoint with k8s service clusterip instead of pod ips as backends. it means k8s will take care of loadbalancing.

if we dont set this to true, and if the pods are down of that service, then ingressroute itself is not going to create route. because it tries to set endpoints with podip which are does not exists.
the error is in traefik controller pod: time="2024-04-05T14:53:29Z" level=error msg="subset not found for ...
we can validate this through dashboard.

                        description: |-
                          NativeLB controls, when creating the load-balancer,
                          whether the LB's children are directly the pods IPs or if the only child is the Kubernetes Service clusterIP.
                          The Kubernetes Service itself does load-balance to the pods.
                          By default, NativeLB is false.
                        type: boolean

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