Multiple Entry Points

I'm hosting a Multiple Docker Container Application and I'm looking at hosting an application with Multiple Entry Points but using the same TLD. This is currently only in a development phase so I understand that the configuration might be different for production when I'm looking to add load balancing.

For Examples,
I want traffic for and to both point to the same Docker Host for the root of the application.

I want traffic for and to both point to the same Docker Host for the login part of the application.

I have everything working with a single domain but would like to add a second entry point to both.

I tried the following based on some documentation I found and Traefik has no errors but no longer sees the hosts.

traefik.http.routers.isports-app-www.rule=(Host(*******) || Host(subdomain.*******)) && PathPrefix(/)

traefik.http.routers.isports-app-www.rule=(Host(*******) || Host(subdomain.*******)) && PathPrefix(/login)

Any help would be appreciated!

This is possible in general. An entrypoint in Traefik is a port, you usually only need 80 and 443. And you need all (sub-) domains to point to your Traefik instance IP.

That part I don't understand. Usually Traefik uses Docker labels to target the service/container they are assigned to, not a host. Check and compare to simple Docker example.