Make traefik load balancer external ip static

I have deployed traefik using helm in k8s and want to add the laod balancer external ip of traefik to my cloudflare dns. However I need the ip of the load balancer to not change everytinme I reinstall the cluster or traefik. What do I need to do to make the external ip stick to a hardcoded pretermined ip ?

The closest I managed to get was to hardcode an IP in the service section of value.yaml in the loadbalancerIp mapping.
But that still doesnt work as ingress seems to still assign its own ip to the traefik load balancer leaving me with a LB that has 2 IPs and the one I hard coded doesnt load my website but the other does.
All I want is to set the IP by hardcoding it somewhere without using thirdparty annotations since I am in vultr and I dont want to create a vultr load balancer.