I am using traefik 2.2.8, installed from the official helm chart (v9.1.1), and I'm not able to create a kubernetes ingress that would work with Traefik. traefik pod logs gives me this:
level=error msg="Cannot create service: subset not found"
E V E R Y ingress object gives this. Validated that, for a specific one, the pod is in ready state, that there's the service object referred by the ingress.
I hhave no clue on how to solve it, and I wouldn't want to go back to traefik 1.8.x for which my ingresses work without any issue.
I just got this error as well on Kubernetes 1.23 and traefik 2.9.1.
My problem was a mismatch between the referenced service's. service.spec.ports[0].targetPort and the actual service's deployment's: deployment.spec.template.spec.containers[0].ports[0].name
This although kubernetes had no problem binding the pod to the service.