June 10: Understanding the Mesh: Observability in a Cloud Native World

Understanding the Mesh: Observability in a Cloud Native World by Kevin Crawley. A collaboration with San Francisco DevOps Meetup group.

The majority of cloud native load balancers and service meshes available today offer a variety of options when it comes to tracing and metrics. Thanks to the wide adoption of libraries such as OpenTracing and Prometheus these technologies offer developers of cloud native applications the ability to better understand how their applications are performing so they are enabled to easily troubleshoot bottlenecks and service disruptions.

Kevin will introduce the fundamentals of tracing and metrics, how they work, and what benefits and limitations you can expect when making the decision to instrument your load balancers, proxies, meshes, and applications. We will explore a realistic microservice application running in Kubernetes with both ingress and internal traffic managed by Traefik and Maesh. He will instrument the entire stack using open source technologies and demonstrate how capturing telemetry during a canary deployment can help you discover and understand both functional and performance regressions using Jaeger and Grafana.

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