How does Log Rotation work? Especially when running Traefik in container?

The doc seems pretty clear:

Traefik will close and reopen its log files, assuming they're configured, on receipt of a USR1 signal. This allows the logs to be rotated and processed by an external program, such as logrotate.

But what is Traefik really doing? When it receives the signal, it should close the log file to be renamed by log rotate. But how long will it wait before resuming? Is there a timer used? Is it checking if the file is gone? Some AI chatbot even suggests sending a different signal to indicate Traefik can continue logging.

How does it work internally?

Something like this will work reliably?

/path/to/traefik/logs/*.log {
    rotate 7          # Keep 7 rotated logs
    daily             # Rotate log files daily
    missingok         # Don't complain if the log file is missing
    compress          # Compress rotated log files
    delaycompress     # Delay compression until the next rotation
    notifempty        # Do not rotate the log if it's empty
    create 0640 root root  # Set permissions for the new log file
    sharedscripts     # Use shared scripts postrotate and prerotate
        # Send a USR1 signal to the Traefik container
        docker exec <your_traefik_container_name> kill -USR1 1

Along with a crontab

0 0 * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/traefik-logrotate.conf