Getting 404s for everything

I'm pretty new to Docker/Kubernetes/Traefik, so I feel like I'm doing something wrong, but so far I'm having trouble getting anything up and running. I'm just trying to get a kubernetes example up and running but so far when I try to access the dashboard or my whoami pod I only get 404 errors. It is also using the wrong certificate. I'm trying to use the containous helm chart as a starting point. So I pulled down from the repo and have been running it like this:

helm install --replace --name traefik21 ./traefik-helm-chart/traefik/ --values traefik-chart2.yml

Here is the contents of traefik-chart2.yml

# Default values for Traefik
  name: traefik
  tag: 2.1.1

# Configure the deployment
  # Number of pods of the deployment
  replicas: 1

  maxUnavailable: 1
  maxSurge: 1

# Configure Traefik entry points
# Additional arguments to be passed at Traefik's binary
## Use curly braces to pass values: `helm install --set="{--providers.kubernetesingress,--global.checknewversion=true}" ."
additionalArguments: []
#  - "--providers.kubernetesingress"

# Environment variables to be passed to Traefik's binary
env: {}
#  - name: SOME_VAR
#    value: some-var-value
#  - name: SOME_OTHER_VAR
#    value: some-other-var-value

  # The name of this one can't be changed as it is used for the readiness and
  # liveness probes, but you can adjust its config to your liking
    port: 9000
    # Defines whether the port is exposed if service.type is LoadBalancer or
    # NodePort.
    # You SHOULD NOT expose the traefik port on production deployments.
    # If you want to access it from outside of your cluster,
    # use `kubectl proxy` or create a secure ingress
    expose: false
    # The exposed port for this service
    exposedPort: 9000
    port: 8000
    expose: true
    exposedPort: 80
    # Use nodeport if set. This is useful if you have configured Traefik in a
    # LoadBalancer
    # nodePort: 32080
    port: 8443
    expose: true
    exposedPort: 443
  # nodePort: 32443

# Options for the main traefik service, where the entrypoints traffic comes
# from.
  type: LoadBalancer
  # Additional annotations (e.g. for cloud provider specific config)
  annotations: {}
  # Additional entries here will be added to the service spec. Cannot contains
  # type, selector or ports entries.
  spec: {
     "externalIPs" : [
    # externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
    # loadBalancerIP: ""
    # clusterIP: ""

  # Enable the dashboard on Traefik
  enable: true
  # Expose the dashboard and api through an ingress route at /dashboard
  # and /api This is not secure and SHOULD NOT be enabled on production
  # deployments
  ingressRoute: false

  loglevel: TRACE
resources: {}
  # requests:
  #   cpu: "100m"
  #   memory: "50Mi"
  # limits:
  #   cpu: "300m"
  #   memory: "150Mi"
affinity: {}
 # #  required:
 # #    nodeSelectorTerms:
 # #    - matchExpressions:
 # #      - key:
 # #        operator: In
 # #        values:
 # #        - farnsworth
 #   requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
 #   - labelSelector:
 #     matchExpressions:
 #     - key:
 #         operator: In
 #         values:
 #           - farnsworth
nodeSelector: { farnsworth}
tolerations: []
rbac: enabled
domain: mydomain

    - certFile: /etc/ssl/certs/mycer.cer
      keyFile: /etc/ssl/private/mykey.key

      rule: "PathPrefix(`/api`) || PathPrefix(`/dashboard`)"
      service: api@internal
        - auth
      rule: "PathPrefix(`/who`)"
      service: whoami
          - "test:$apr1$H6uskkkW$IgXLP6ewTrSuBkTrqE8wj/"
          - "test2:$apr1$d9hr9HBB$4HxwgUir3HP4EsggP/QNo0"

I kept playing with it and looking through the forums and something finally clicked.
I removed the http section from my helm values chart, and created 2 new ingresses and that allowed me to access the dashboard and whoami services.

Currently I'm still trying to figure out why it's using the wrong certificate though.

I think I was just trying to use the helm chart for more than what it's setup for. I made a custom secret for my keypair and setup my ingressroutes to use it and that worked.