i'm trying to get traefik 2.4.8 through the official helm chart up and running through a nodePort (which is used by an external LB).
But everything i try, i only get a 404 page not found back.
I have seen a few other threads but besides apiinsecure i haven't found any suggestion on a way for me to debug this further.
I assumed and played around with the service and nodeport but the dashboard is enabled but also returns a 404. At least trying the dashboard through kubectl should just work?
I checked out your workshop @jakubhajek but i did not find something invalid;
What would be my next steps for analysis?
My traefik logs set to DEBUG don't show any issue per se:
level=debug msg="Creating middleware" entryPointName=web middlewareName=traefik-internal-recovery middlewareType=Recovery
time="2021-05-31T18:35:42Z" level=debug msg="No default certificate, generating one"
time="2021-05-31T18:35:42Z" level=debug msg="No default certificate, generating one"
time="2021-05-31T18:35:44Z" level=debug msg="Skipping Kubernetes event kind *v1.Endpoints" providerName=kubernetescrd
time="2021-05-31T18:35:44Z" level=debug msg="Skipping Kubernetes event kind *v1.Endpoints" providerName=kubernetescrd
time="2021-05-31T18:35:44Z" level=debug msg="Skipping Kubernetes event kind *v1.Endpoints" providerName=kubernetes
Hello @Sicaine
Would you please share what has been configured in the values.yaml file?
Thank you,
I use it as a helm in helm chart:
replicas: 1
# kind: DaemonSet
# disabled until openebs
load-balancer.hetzner.cloud/location: fsn1
load-balancer.hetzner.cloud/network-zone: fsn1-dc14
type: NodePort
nodePort: 31080
nodePort: 31443
# Traefik logs concern everything that happens to Traefik itself (startup, configuration, events, shutdown, and so on).
# By default, the logs use a text format (common), but you can
# also ask for the json format in the format option
# format: json
# By default, the level is set to ERROR. Alternative logging levels are DEBUG, PANIC, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, and INFO.
level: DEBUG
enabled: true
- "--certificatesresolvers.letsencrypt.acme.email=<Removed>"
- "--certificatesresolvers.letsencrypt.acme.caserver=https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
- "--certificatesResolvers.letsencrypt.acme.tlschallenge=true"
- "--certificatesresolvers.letsencrypt.acme.storage=/data/acme.json"
- "--global.checknewversion"
enabled: true
name: data
# existingClaim: ""
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
size: 128Mi
storageClass: "openebs-hostpath"
path: /data
annotations: { }
# subPath: "" # only mount a subpath of the Volume into the pod
# - "--certificatesresolvers.letsencrypt.acme.caserver=https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
hello @Sicaine
The configuration seems to be fine. Have you tried to use port-forwarding to access the dashboard. Traefik Helm Chart creates routing (ingressroute crd) for the dashboard, so you should be able to access it using the following command:
kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods --selector "app.kubernetes.io/name=traefik" --output=name) 9000:9000
Please make sure that the context is set to the namespace where you deployed Traefik.
Hey @jakubhajek ,
yep! Port-forwarding also doesn't work for me.
Does that mean that the routing itself is broken even when i try to do a port-forward directly on/to a pod?
Hi @Sicaine
What error logs you are getting once you execute port-forward command ?
Are there any error logs in Traefik ?
Please note that port-forwarding command should use namespace where Traefik pod is deployed, so maybe you should add -n
or --namespace
to the command, see the example:
kubectl port-forward --namespace default \
$(kubectl get pods \
--selector "app.kubernetes.io/name=traefik" \
--output=name \
--namespace default) \
Hope that helps.
Hi @jakubhajek ,
unfortunate i don't get any error logs but i did set it to the highest level possible.
The port forward itself just works, no issues, i still get a 404 which irritates me as i would assume that the dashboard should just work then.
Hey @sarke
Do you see anything in the logs when Traefik is starting?
Sry i gave up and switched to nexus.
I did not see any issues on traefik logs.