Force renewal let's encrypt certificate

I have Traefik 1.7 running as a DaemonSet with consul as KV store. I want to migrate to Traefik v2 which does not support consul as KV store in community edition.

I tried to retrieve existing cert from consul with consul kv export traefik-external-certificates/acme/account which is in the following format.

		"key": "traefik-external-certificates/acme/account/lock",
		"flags": 36789972625689376455,
		"value": "wsdrtgghbfdrtgbvftyhbvgyujh0"
		"key": "traefik-external-certificates/acme/account/object",
		"flags": 36789972625689376455,
		"value": "***********************"

How can I use this existing certificate in Traefik v2 ?
If this is not possible then how can I force renew existing certificate so when Traefik v2 starts up it gets the new certificate ?


You can use the to extract the certificates.

And after you have to follow the acme.json (v2) format:

  "myresolver": {
    "Account": {
      "Email": "",
      "Registration": {
        "body": {
          "status": "valid",
          "contact": [
        "uri": ""
      "PrivateKey": "UHJpdmF0ZUtleSB0ZXN0",
      "KeyType": "4096"
    "Certificates": [
        "domain": {
          "main": ""
        "certificate": "Y2VydGlmaWNhdGUgdGVzdA==",
        "key": "a2V5IHRlc3Q=",
        "Store": "default"
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How do I get the account number ?

Also is
"PrivateKey": "UHJpdmF0ZUtleSB0ZXN0", is letsencrypt.key ?