Feature request: GUI to configure routers and service or edit config files

I feel like I'm not the only one but I can't find a similar feature request.

The file provider is nice and a simple answer for providers that are not well integrated, such as my proxmox host. As soon as I start a new LXC or VM I have to ssh into Traefik to edit the config file and add a router and service.

I think Traefik could offer something better, be it a gui for each concept (entrypoint, router, service) or even a simple web text editor to edit or create config files. The latter might be an easy addition I think and I would really welcome something to avoid ssh for simple configs like that.

Sorry if feature requests are supposed to be posted elsewhere, thanks in advance for helping me getting this feature request on the proper tracks.

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You're definitely not the only one. I feel like after spending sometimes hours tinkering to get a service running just right (by editing containers on Portainer), there could be some improvements to the "front-end" for users like us trying to get our container infrastructure up efficiently.

At a minimum, I'd like to see more detailed error messages displayed (not sure if this is possible already? Came across this topic while searching.) But beyond that, the dashboard could be upgraded to interface with the container API and intelligently help with making configuration changes. Such as: detection of running containers, basic probing to guess how the service should be configured as the user wants, maybe pre-applied based on common configurations.

Edit: For anyone else interested in the Dashboard development, here's a search on GitHub issues.