Endpoints missing in Kubernetes

Using version 2.10.6 of the helm chart, I have deployed Traefik with this custom configuration:

- "--entrypoints.proxy.address=:6809/tcp"
- "--log.level=DEBUG"
- "--log.format=json"
- "--providers.kubernetescrd"
- "--providers.kubernetesingress=true"

I see the entrypoint "proxy" in the Traefik dashboard, but I don't see an endpoint created in the Traefik kubernetes service, which gives these endpoints:

NAME      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE   SELECTOR
traefik   LoadBalancer   localhost     80:30869/TCP,443:31097/TCP   32d   app.kubernetes.io/instance=traefik-traefik-v2,app.kubernetes.io/name=traefik

Any ideas why I am not seeing the endpoint for port 6809?

Found the solution - and have to join the voices who feel documentation on Traefik leaves a lot to be desired. Also, it is interesting that Traefik does not seem to want to support us who are evaluating Traefik for commercial use - buy a subscription of several thousand of Euros per year, and we may help you.

Rant off.

Looking at this comment the solution was easy. It would have been easier if that was to be found in the docs, Traefik!