I have an app that customers can deploy on docker. However, the SSL certs may or may not be the custsomer's own, or auto generated using LE
I was trying to be smart and come up with a "one config to rulle them all"
- traefik.http.routers.${STACK}-app.rule=Host(`${STACK}.${DOMAIN}`)
- traefik.http.routers.${STACK}-app.entrypoints=websecure
- traefik.http.routers.${STACK}-app.tls.passthrough=${USE_CUSTOM_CERTIFICATES:-false}
- traefik.http.routers.${STACK}-app.tls.certresolver=${USE_CUSTOM_CERTIFICATES:-leresolver}
So the idea is if the USE_CUSTOM_CERTIFICATES is not set for traefik and LE to do their thing, and if it is set, for passthrough
however, for sites where the USE_CUSTOM_CERTIFICATES is not set, I'm getting a " msg=field not found, node: passthrough providerName=docker "
what would the labels be for a service that uses it's own certificates, and for a service that defaults to let's encrypt - but on the same machine ?
how do I pass through if I'm getting that error
confused ;_