Hi there!
I'm trying to migrate a traefik job on Nomad from 1.7 to 2.2. Here's my current setup:
Traefik receives traffic from the load balancer and checks if the request is addressed to mydomain.com
. These are the params it receives upon launch:
args = [
Then, I just have a tag on my service that makes it work.
service {
tags = [
Now, when I tried migrating it to 2.2, this is what my traefik job looked like:
args = [
, "--ping"
, "--api.insecure=true"
, "--providers.consulcatalog=true"
, "--providers.consulcatalog.endpoint.address=http://${attr.unique.network.ip-address}:8500"
, "--providers.consulcatalog.constraints=Tag(`traefik2-frontend-tooling.tags=tooling`)"
, "--providers.consulcatalog.prefix=traefik2-frontend-tooling"
, "--entryPoints.web.address=:80"
and now my service contains the tag and the router rule:
service {
tags = [
, "traefik.http.routers.myservice.rule=Host(`myservice.mydomain.com`)"
When I launched the new jobs I could see in the UI that my service registered in the HTTP Services as I expected, but calls to atlantis.mydomain.com
were returning 404.
I'm feeling that I'm close to the right config and also that my problem may lie in the use of --consulcatalog.domain=mydomain.com
in version 1.7. I can't find any equivalents to that in the 2.x documentation.
Anyways, hope this was clear enough and hope to hear from the community soon!