Hello, I am trying to get the v2 dashboard on /traefik/dashboard instead of the default URI (/dashboard is for the kubernetes dashboard, I use the same hostname for both). I changed my IngressRoute to match the new URI:
With this setup I am able to get the dashboard main page, but not its content. I can see that the page sends XHRs to /api/overview and /api/entrypoints, which are missing the /traefik prefix.
I am currently using v2.1 but had the same issue with v2.0.
I seem to remember facing a similar issue with v1 but do not remember what I did to fix it. I just checked the v1 dashboard that I still have and it is correctly sending XHRs to /traefik/api/providers. (note: I use different ports for the v1 and v2 dashboards so the URIs can be the same for both)
I am also interested in this. I would like to change the path that dashboard and API are served from as i have other services behind traefik that also rely on the /api path.
I have created a dedicated entry point for each service that has a conflicting path... so i can "mux" between them by changing the port, at least. If i could move traefik's dashboard from /dashboard and /api to traefik/dash and traefik/api then I can eliminate the multiple entry points!