When using a certificate resolver with let's encrypt, Traefik expects to have file (by default acme.json) configured with specific ownership and permissions.
In order for me to have it working I create an acme.json file like this :
And then mount it from a volume into Traefik's container.
It works but in some cases I think it would be convenient if this file is already present and properly set in the docker image so that I do not have to use a volume.
I give you an example use case. I currently work in the context of a private cloud. I want to check Traefik is able to perform the acme challenge from there. So I use the acme staging server. I do not need to keep these certificates and it would be convenient for me if I do not have to care about a volume.
I know I can build a custom image. I was asking the question more in the perspective of a feature proposal if others are interested.