Hi, I'm new to traefik, but it seems the way to go for a number of different containerized tasks I'm working on.
As I experiment , I know my Letsencrypt cert's are not getting saved between Terraform applies. So, I think my TLS failures are often due to LE rate limits.
I'm not using k8s. I am using Digital Ocean droplets, so I also can't use a simple host volume as a place to persist the Letsencrypt cache.
Any ideas of the different ways to overcome this? (and to persist the LE certificates and state?)
I am looking into ways to persist disk/volumes between Terraform applys so my host-droplet disk doesn't disappear with each terraform-apply.
But, I am wondering if Traefik has something like Caddy's Storage providers to enable direct from Traefik cert storage to S3, Redis, Consul, these types of storage services.