Can't get error and chain middleware to work together

In this config, when I load the subdomain in question "demo2" I get the error "gateway timed out" Can someone review my config and tell me what i am doing wrong. yes the service and error page work.



      entryPoints = ["web"]
      rule = "Host(``)"
      middlewares = ["chain_demo2"]
      service = "demo2"

			entryPoints = ["websecure"]
			rule = "Host(``)"
			service = "demo2"

                #certResolver = "myResolver"
                passthrough = true
                options = "demo2_options"
                main = ""
                sans = ["*"]

            middlewares = ["redirect_demo2", "errorpage_demo2"]
            scheme = "https"
            port = "443"
            permanent = true

            status = ["500-599"]
            service = "errordemo2"
            query = "/errorpage.php"                     
          url = ""

            url = ""


    certFile = "/etc/traefik/fullchain.pem"
    keyFile = "/etc/traefik/privkey.pem"

      minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
      cipherSuites = [