Hello there,
I'm currently migrating from Traefik V1.7 to V2.2.0. I use traefik to handle ingress in my GKE cluster, with multiple namespaces all served by the same instance traefik.
I followed mostly the " Traefik & CRD & Let's Encrypt" guide from the official docs. I noticed that the traefik deployment does not happen in the kube-system namespace anymore (the examples use the default namespace). Since I need to server traffic to pods from multiple namespaces, I tweaked the examples to deploy in kube-system (e.g., I had to move the ServiceAccount to kube-system and specify the namespace of the target service in all of my IngressRoutes).
My question are:
- what were the reason behind moving out of kube-system for V2?
- is it considered good practice to still deploy to kube-system or should I create a "traefik" namespace? What is the recommended approach here?
Thank you and keep up the great work!