Hi there !
I'm trying to use traefik 2.2.8 running on aws EKS with an ALB + route53.
Traefik's k8s service is of type NodePort.
I manage to reach traefik with the route53 DNS, I can see all my queries reaching Traefik but it always ends up with a 404. The target group's healthcheck is ok (on "traefik" port 9000 /ping).
If I set the traefik service to LoadBalancer (so a classic LB is deployed), the exact same configuration works and I can reach my other services.
I also tried with NLB: it works.
But I need an ALB.
Traefik is deployed with the Containous official Helm Chart (v9.x and traefik 2.2.8) on a 1.16 EKS cluster.
Here is the IngressRoute I use :
kind: IngressRoute
apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1
name: argocd-ingress
namespace: argocd
- websecure
- kind: Rule
match: Host(`my.own.dns`)
- name: argocd-server
port: 80
The only logs I have in traefik :
2020-09-09T17:19:10.652342113Z - - [09/Sep/2020:17:19:10 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" - - "-" "-" 3172 "-" "-" 0ms
Setting the log level to debug shows that Traefik get the correct configuration :
"Configuration received from provider kubernetescrd: {\"http\":{\"routers\":{\"argocd-argocd-server-ingress-af85b1ac71984a7dfa33\":{\"entryPoints\":[\"websecure\"],\"service\":\"argocd-argocd-server-ingress-af85b1ac71984a7dfa33\",\"rule\":\"Host(
What am I missing to make Traefik works with an ALB ?