Automatic Renewal of Let's Encrypt certificates

I have configured my website with Let's encrypt using Traefik. The certificate says that it will be valid for 3 months. However I wanted to know if the certificate auto-renews before the expiry.

On Traefik documentation, it was written that it renews automatically after every 2 months. But I noted that for my website, it didn't renew.

Looking for ways to auto-renew it before the expiry. Detailed steps if possible.

This has been discussed recently (post), you can not manually trigger a LE cert refresh.

Ok, I saw it was mentioned on the TRAEFIK doc that the certificate renew automatically.

Did we confirm the auto-renewal @yash ?
I have traefik as a reverse proxy for several apps (on docker containers) and I'm only 10 days away from cert expiry... wanting to know if I should do anything or if it will magically do it as the docs suggest.


By default LetsEncrypt certs are valid for 90 days, at around 30 days before expiry they are renewed.

You should check your Traefik logs for "error" and "acme".

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Bingo. DNS errors. Little tweak with cloudflare setup and we’re good.