I am using common traefik.yaml file for multiple environments. In some environments I am using letsencrypt and in some user-defined certificates. Can you tell me are the below configurations correct? Can I call user-defined certs under customCertResolver? For letsencrypt it works.
Custom TLS certs are loaded in a dynamic config file (doc), which you load in static config with providers.file. The you just enable TLS on entrypoint or router (yaml tls: {}, labels tls=true).
I am calling these certResolvers from the router file like this:
traefik.http.routers.grafana.tls.certResolver: "{{ tls_cert_resolver }}"
{{ tls_cert_resolver }} How can I call our custom certificates for qa env, as we only need letsencrypt for prod? what configurations do I need to provide? I tried as described above by creating customCertResolver, but it doesn't seem to be working. what is missing?