White labeling custom hostnames

I have one node typescript project and I have already set my project with Traefik through docker compose, and I already can access the APIs through the domain that I set in Traefik router host.

now, I want to white label custom domains, can anyone guide me with this, how can I make it possible.

You can add your custom domains to your Traefik dynamic config (file or labels):

.rule=Host(`example.com`) || Host(`foobar.com`)

If you use different TLDs, then LE will create separate TLS/SSL certs. Note that LE has a limit of 50 certs/week.

If you use sub-domains, then you can create a TLS wildcard cert with Traefik LetsEncrypt dnsChallenge.

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yes, I can add Hosts like this,
but what if I need to add new Hosts in the configuration file,

is there any way to make it dynamic, means I can use there one variable like ${HOSTS} and then store those hosts some where else. and this configurations should be updated in real time?:thinking:

Yes, you can use dynamic config file or use providers.docker and add it to the labels (instead of env) to each service.

And there is a defaultRule, which can be used for something like ${host}.example.com. Search the docs or forum for an example.

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yes, exactly currently I am setting up the dynamic config files.

but in my case I will have multiple domains like there can be 'test.example.com', 'abc.anything.com', 'asdf.ghjk.app'. and also if I got some another custom host then I will add them in my hosts list.

for that I want to make it dynamic.

and if you can give some examples which can relate to my requirement that would be very helpful.