Well working one with 1.7 but its very difficult to transfer V2

For sample i have well working one confgiration below with 1.7 but its very difficult to transfer V2 also converter tool dont work with TLS and this configuration is based on one two site with ssl works with multiple app server one of them is 80 (apache http) others 8080 nodejs so its common for setup like that.

So please put same totaly working example of TOML ..

logLevel = "DEBUG"
#logLevel = "ERROR"
#logLevel = "INFO"

#  filePath = "/tmp/logs/traefik.log"
#  format   = "json"

filePath = "/tmp/logs/traefikaccess.log"
#format = "json"
bufferingSize = 100

  # statusCodes keep only access logs with status codes in the specified range
  # Optional
  # Default: []

  MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 20000

#  filePath = "/tmp/logs/traefik.log"

  readTimeout = "180s"
  writeTimeout = "180s"
#address = ":8080"

defaultEntryPoints = ["site1_lb_http", "site1_lb_https"]
      address = "www.site1.com:80"   
      entryPoint = "site1_lb_https"  
      address = "www.site1.com:443"
      compress = true      
#  [entryPoints.site1_lb_https.redirect]
#     regex = "^https://site1.com/(.*)"
#     replacement = "https://www.site1.com/$1"      
#     permanent = true      
      minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
      cipherSuites = [
      certFile = "site1_ssl-bundle.crt"
      keyFile = "site1_com_nopass.key"    
      certFile = "site2_ssl-bundle.crt"
      keyFile = "site2_com_nopass.key"

         maxRequestBodyBytes = 10485760  
         memRequestBodyBytes = 2097152  
         maxResponseBodyBytes = 10485760
         memResponseBodyBytes = 2097152 
         path = "/favicon.ico"
         interval = "1000s"
         expression = "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5" 
         url = "http://999.888.999121"
         weight = 10
         #    [backends.bac_site1_web.servers.site1_web_server2]
         #      url = "http://999.888.999122"
         #        weight = 10

         maxRequestBodyBytes = 10485760  
         memRequestBodyBytes = 2097152  
         maxResponseBodyBytes = 10485760
         memResponseBodyBytes = 2097152 
      # [backends.bac_site1_nodejs.loadbalancer.stickiness]
      # [backends.bac_site1_nodejs.healthcheck]
      #   path = "/favicon.ico"
      #   interval = "1000s"
      # [backends.bac_site1_nodejs.circuitbreaker]
      #   expression = "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5" 
      url = "http://999.888.999122:8080"
        weight = 10

         maxRequestBodyBytes = 10485760  
         memRequestBodyBytes = 2097152  
         maxResponseBodyBytes = 10485760
         memResponseBodyBytes = 2097152       
      # [backends.bac_site1_nodejs_sw.loadbalancer.stickiness]
      # [backends.bac_site1_nodejs_sw.healthcheck]
      #   path = "/favicon.ico"
      #   interval = "1000s"
      # [backends.bac_site1_nodejs_sw.circuitbreaker]
      #   expression = "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5" 
      url = "http://999.888.999122:8090"
        weight = 10
         maxRequestBodyBytes = 10485760  
         memRequestBodyBytes = 2097152  
         maxResponseBodyBytes = 10485760
         memResponseBodyBytes = 2097152 
         path = "/favicon.ico"
         interval = "1000s"
         expression = "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5" 
         url = "http://999.888.999121"
         weight = 10
      #    [backends.bac_site2_web.servers.site2_web_server2]
      #      url = "http://999.888.999122"
      #        weight = 10
         maxRequestBodyBytes = 10485760  
         memRequestBodyBytes = 2097152  
         maxResponseBodyBytes = 10485760
         memResponseBodyBytes = 2097152 

      # [backends.bac_site2_nodejs.loadbalancer.stickiness]
      # [backends.bac_site2_nodejs.healthcheck]
      #   path = "/favicon.ico"
      #   interval = "1000s"
      # [backends.bac_site2_nodejs.circuitbreaker]
      #   expression = "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5" 
         url = "http://999.888.999122:8084"
         weight = 10
            maxRequestBodyBytes = 10485760  
            memRequestBodyBytes = 2097152  
            maxResponseBodyBytes = 10485760
            memResponseBodyBytes = 2097152       
         # [backends.bac_site2_nodejs_sw.loadbalancer.stickiness]
         # [backends.bac_site2_nodejs_sw.healthcheck]
         #   path = "/favicon.ico"
         #   interval = "1000s"
         # [backends.bac_site2_nodejs_sw.circuitbreaker]
         #   expression = "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5" 
         url = "http://999.888.999122:8094"
         weight = 10
      entrypoints = ["site1_lb_http","site1_lb_https"]
      backend = "bac_site1_nodejs"
      passHostHeader = true
         rule = "HostRegexp:www.site1.com;Path:/socket.io/"
      entrypoints = ["site1_lb_http","site1_lb_https"]
      backend = "bac_site1_nodejs_sw"
      passHostHeader = true
         rule = "HostRegexp:www.site1.com;PathPrefix:/sw/"
      entrypoints = ["site1_lb_http","site1_lb_https"]
      backend = "bac_site1_web"
      passHostHeader = true
         rule = "HostRegexp:www.site1.com"
      entrypoints = ["site1_lb_http","site1_lb_https"]
      backend = "bac_site2_nodejs"
      passHostHeader = true
         rule = "HostRegexp:www.site2.com;Path:/socket.io/"
      entrypoints = ["site1_lb_http","site1_lb_https"]
      backend = "bac_site2_nodejs_sw"
      passHostHeader = true
         rule = "HostRegexp:www.site2.com;PathPrefix:/sw/"
      entrypoints = ["site1_lb_http","site1_lb_https"]
      backend = "bac_site2_web"
      passHostHeader = true
         rule = "HostRegexp:www.site2.com"