Upgrading to Traefik V2 - error: failed to decode configuration from flags: field not found, node: kubernetes


Fairly new to Traefik so still figuring a lot of stuff out. I'm upgrading from 1.7 to 2.6 due to upgrading EKS to 1.22. Traefik pods immediately error with:

error: failed to decode configuration from flags: field not found, node: kubernetes

We set the traefik.toml as a configmap for the containers like so:

      insecureSkipVerify = true
      maxIdleConnsPerHost = 0
        address = ":80"
          trustedIPs = [""]
        address = ":9110"
        address = ":9090"
          trustedIPs = [""]
        address = ":83"
          trustedIPs = [""]
        address = ":81"
          regex = "^http://(.*)"
          replacement = "https://$1"
      providersThrottleDuration = "2s"
        watch = true
        buckets = [0.1, 0.3, 1.2, 5.0]
        entryPoint = "monitor"
      level = "DEBUG"
      bufferingSize = 0

This config was previously working for 1.7. This config is the result of running our previous config through the Migration Tool.

Follow up question: Is it necessary to switch to using IngressRoutes and Middleware etc, or can I stick with the config I have for 1.7 (currently using regular Kubernetes Ingress with annotations).

Hopefully this all makes sense, I can post more info if needed.


I think I've answered the follow up question, it seems I would be best switching to using the CRD's. I could still really do with a hand with the first error I'm seeing in the logs (this still seems to persist even after switching to CRD's)

solved. error caused by unnoticed flag in config

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