Understanding v2.2.0 enhanced k8s Ingress Support

Hi everyone,

I want to use the new feature of support to kubernetes ingress with traefik, but one thing I couldn't understand is the exposing of traefik service to the outside world, If I'm defining an ingress I want the other services to be internal and use the ingress for external networking.
In the example: https://docs.traefik.io/master/routing/providers/kubernetes-ingress/?__hstc=265350736.54d37f10640d845051cca77660282c93.1583847601762.1585652673943.1586241446760.6&__hssc=265350736.1.1586241446760&__hsfp=1878487342#configuration-example

I saw that inside the traefik tab you set the traefik service as LoadBalancer.
Is there a way to not expose the traefik service (using it as internal service)? if not can I use NodePort type instead of LoadBalancer? I'm in a closed environment where I can't use the LoadBalancer service type.

Thank you,