If I use the dynamic configuration (file provider) under docker, it is not sufficient to change and save the yml file in the docker directory. I have to touch the file in the traefik container. Is that right or am I doing something wrong?
Hi @SamLowry
See limitations:
Per the link, bind mount a directory, not the file. I found this works okay.
There are a few Key/Value Providers and the HTTP provider that can also provide dynamic configuration.
Thanks, but unfortunately that doesn't answer my question. But I found out why traefik didn't respond to dynamic files changes. It's a windows thing.
I work on Windows 10 with Docker, wsl2 and Ubuntu 20.04. When I edit the files in VS Code, it doesn't matter whether the files are on a Windows partition or an Ubuntu partition. But it makes a difference whether I edit the files with a "normal" VS Code instance or with a "Remote Window" instance. In a "normal" instance, traefik does not notice the changes, in a "Remote Window" instance everything runs as desired.