Unable to connect to traefik dashboard

I am trying to view the traefik dashboard but am having trouble with the current configuration I am working in. Below is the traefik.toml file.

defaultEntryPoints = ["http"]

  address = ":12000"
  address = ":13000"

  address = ":14000"

directory = "/config/dynamic"
watch = true

ingressClass = "data-service-fabric"

entryPoint = "ping"

dashboard = true
insecure = true

I am using Kubernetes ingress in this project, and need to view the traefik container in this pod.
There is a traefik container running in this pod:

NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dsf-router-backend-78d7df89d8-rgm45          3/3     Running   0          8m36s

Below is the result of kubectl get ingress | grep dsf-router-backend-http

NAME                          CLASS                 HOSTS                                                                       ADDRESS   PORTS   AGE
dsf-router-backend-http       traefik               data-service-fabric-web.local.example.com,dsf-router-mesh.local.example.com             80      27m

Based on the definitions above, I would expect the following url to pull up the dashboard, however I get connection refused instead.


Any guidance here? This is using Traefik 2.5.

Hello @tee and thanks for your interest in Traefik,

It seems that you mixed up Traefik v1 and v2 configurations. To validate that your Traefik v2 configuration is valid, please use the JSON schemas as described in the following documentation: Traefik Getting Started FAQ - Traefik

In order to change, the api/dashboard address, the configured entry point name should be traefik as explained in the documentation: Traefik API Documentation - Traefik

Here should be the valid configuration:

  address = ":12000"
  address = ":13000"

  address = ":14000"

	directory = "/config/dynamic"
	watch = true

	ingressClass = "data-service-fabric"

entryPoint = "ping"

dashboard = true
insecure = true 

Hope this helps!