Does Traefik v2.0 beta1 only support HTTP/2.0? I have noticed when I have both a TCP service (with SSL passthrough) and a HTTP (with TLS enabled) service listening on the same entry point, the HTTP service will always use HTTP/2.0. When I try to make request to the TCP service, the request will use HTTP/2.0, however, my backend service does not support HTTP/2.0. Is there any way to enable Traefik to always use HTTP/1.1?
Thank you for your suggestion. I was able to set the Docker environment variables, however I had a couple of services stop working. What I ended up doing was upgrading our services to support HTTP/2 protocol.
I have TCP and HTTP routers (all using TLS) working on the same entrypoint, but I have to use SAN names to route to different TCP services since TCP routers do not support the stripPathPrefix middleware yet.