Traefik with go application server

Hello all, I have couple of questions.

  1. when using traefik.http.router.myrouter1.rule=Host(mydomain-whoami) so what should be the value of myrouter1 . Is it a service name let's say whoami or it can be a random name?

  2. let's say I'm using a go application server running on port 5050 which offers storeData and 'getData' api's. I want to use traefik to forward the request from client directly to my go-application server. Is it possible or Would I have to create the docker image of my go-project?

  1. It is just a label call it whatever_you_want
  2. You can, you need to use a file provider to define the service though(I think this is the only way).

Thanks @cakiwi. yes I'm able to use it using file provider.