Traefik returning 502 Bad Gateway cause EOF when accessing HTTPS routes with docker network


I'm encountering an issue with Traefik where it returns a 502 Bad Gateway error caused by EOF when trying to access HTTPS routes via my domain ( or any path prefixes configured through Traefik labels. The issue persists even when I try to ping the containers' IPs directly.

Here's an excerpt from the Traefik logs showing the error:

time="2024-03-25T22:17:39Z" level=debug msg="'502 Bad Gateway' caused by: EOF" - - [25/Mar/2024:22:17:39 +0000] "GET / HTTP/2.0" 502 11 "-" "-" 2"webapp@docker" "" 2ms

Here are some additional details about my setup:

  • I have four containers running on a custom Docker internal network called "internal-net": traefik, webapp, chatbot, and flask_api.
  • I've verified that all services are running properly within their containers and that they are all running only on the network "internal-net". But I'm still having networking issues.
  • I'm using Docker networks to facilitate container-to-container communication without having to manually change host IPs for each container. Thus, I have configured my code to make container-to-container requests using https://<container-name>:<port> as the host DNS.
  • My setup is hosted on Google Compute Engine. I have configured and tested that my custom DNS is working on this server.
  • I've tried the following with no success:
    ** expose each container's ports on docker run using -p flag
    ** tell traefik which port to go to for each service by labeling the image with<container-name>.loadbalancer.server.port=<port>
    ** running one service container with traefik at a time

Could someone please help me diagnose and resolve this issue? I suspect there might be a configuration problem either with Traefik or Docker networking.

Code Snippets:


FROM <base docker image>


# Install node and npm
RUN curl -fsSL | bash - \
    && apt-get install -y nodejs
# Go to repo
RUN mkdir -p /home/dreamdai/webapp-react/web_service/node_modules
WORKDIR /home/dreamdai/webapp-react/web_service

# Install npm packages
COPY ./webapp-react/web_service/package*.json .
RUN npm install

# Copy codebase
COPY . /home/dreamdai

### Configure traefik ###
# Allows Traefik to discover containers
LABEL traefik.enable=true
# Sends traffic through https
LABEL traefik.http.routers.webapp.entrypoints=websecure
# Allows Traefik to route requests from <my-dns>.com (host static IP accessible by http)
LABEL traefik.http.routers.webapp.rule=Host(`<my-dns>.com`)
# Tell it to use the internal network
# Enables HTTPS
LABEL traefik.http.routers.webapp.tls=true
# Sets certificate issuer as LetsEncrypt
LABEL traefik.http.routers.webapp.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt

# Run the programs
CMD npm start


FROM <base docker image>


# Copy repo and install reqs
WORKDIR /home/dreamdai
COPY . /home/dreamdai

### Configure traefik ###
# Allows Traefik to discover containers
LABEL traefik.enable=true
# Tell it to use the internal network
# Sends traffic through https
LABEL traefik.http.routers.chatbot.entrypoints=websecure
# Allows Traefik to route requests from host/chat
LABEL traefik.http.routers.chatbot.rule="Host(`<my-dns>.com`) && PathPrefix(`/chat`)"
# Enables HTTPS
LABEL traefik.http.routers.chatbot.tls=true
# Sets certificate issuer as LetsEncrypt
LABEL traefik.http.routers.chatbot.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt

# Run the programs
CMD python3 -e prod


NOTE: The flask_api is meant to be accessible by https container-to-container traffic only. I'm not yet sure how to address the Host rule because once it complained that I had .com on both this container label and the webapp container label.

FROM <base docker image>


# Go to repo
WORKDIR /home/dreamdai
COPY . /home/dreamdai

### Configure traefik ###
# Allows Traefik to discover containers
LABEL traefik.enable=true
# Sends traffic through https
LABEL traefik.http.routers.flask_api.entrypoints=websecure
# Allows Traefik to route requests from host (host static IP accessible by http)
LABEL traefik.http.routers.flask_api.rule=Host(`flask_api`) # THIS ISN'T WORKING YET WITH TLS
# Tell it to use the internal network
# Enables HTTPS
LABEL traefik.http.routers.flask_api.tls=true
# Sets certificate issuer as LetsEncrypt
LABEL traefik.http.routers.flask_api.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt

# Run the programs
CMD gunicorn --bind --env "ENV=prod" "flask_api:create_app()"


FROM traefik:v2.10

EXPOSE 80 443
## --- Comment out the following lines for dev environment (default prod) ---
COPY ./config/ /etc/traefik/traefik.toml
# Creates a directory for certificates that Traefik can access, puts an empty json in it,
# and configures permissions to be restrictive enough that LetsEncrypt doesn't complain
RUN mkdir /certificates && touch /certificates/acme.json && echo "{}" > /certificates/acme.json && chmod 600 /certificates/acme.json

# Allows Traefik to discover other containers
LABEL traefik.enable=true
# Define host so it can be accessed at host/traefik-dashboard
LABEL traefik.http.routers.dashboard.rule="Host(`<my-dns>.com`) && PathPrefix(`/traefik-dashboard`)"
# Enables HTTPS
LABEL traefik.http.routers.dashboard.tls=true
# Sends traffic through https
LABEL traefik.http.routers.dashboard.entrypoints=websecure
# Sets certificate resolver as LetsEncrypt
LABEL traefik.http.routers.dashboard.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt
# Enables middleware features for dashboard
LABEL traefik.http.routers.dashboard.service=api@internal

    address = ":80"
        to = "websecure"
        scheme = "https"

    address = ":443"
level = "DEBUG"

dashboard = true

    exposedByDefault = false
    network = "internal-net"

  email = ""
  storage = "/certificates/acme.json"
    entryPoint = "web"

Docker run commands via VM startup script

sudo docker network create internal-net
sudo docker run --name flask_api --rm -d -v /secrets:/secrets:ro --network internal-net flask-api:release-prod
sudo docker run --name webapp --rm -d -v /secrets:/secrets:ro --network internal-net webapp:release-prod
sudo docker run --name chatbot --rm -d -v /secrets:/secrets:ro --network internal-net chatbot:release-prod
sudo docker run --name traefik --rm -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v /certificates:/certificates -p "80:80" -p "443:443" --network internal-net traefik:release-prod

Note: redacted custom DNS and docker image names for anonymity.

Any help is greatly appreciated as I've exhausted my research and trial-and-error paths.

Try to run a simple Traefik example with docker compose up. See if it works in your infrastructure.

Get rid of your love to pure docker run CLI commands, I made the switch only a year ago :wink: :clap: Use one or multiple docker compose.yml files.

I would recommend to not bake the config and labels into the Dockerfile, but place them in docker-compose.yml file, that’s more consistent when you want to spin up same service with different URL for testing etc, I think it’s more best practice.

Personally I always add the port to the labels, to make sure Traefik uses the right one in case the image exposes multiple.

Another personal thing: use yaml over toml, it’s so much more readable and less writing. Or move to pure inline config, see example on top.

Which method do you use to add the port to the labels?
traefik.port= or

Again, see traefik-best-practice/docker-traefik-dashboard-letsencrypt at main · bluepuma77/traefik-best-practice · GitHub

And for tcp use the according labels.