Hello guys. We decided to move from subdomain structure to one root domain with path prefixes, but we got many old urls in the internet . So is there any way to add redirect from old url to new one?
For example,
we got subdomain test.example.com switched to example.com/test, i can access correctly site with string in docker yaml file
traefik.frontend.rule: Host:example.com;PathPrefixStrip:/test, but when im trying to add to traefik config
redirects like
regex = "^https://(*).example.com/)"
replacement = "^https://example.com/${1}"
traefik says that it doesn't know where to forward this request
If im trying to add traefik.frontend.rule: Host:test.example.com,example.com;PathPrefixStrip:/test
traefik adds prefix to both hosts. Is there anyway to resolve this without adding second reverse proxy?